The Jesus Storybook Bible

book review books children's book the jesus storybook bible Mar 24, 2023
Jesus Storybook Bible

The Jesus Storybook Bible written by Sally Lloyd-Jones; illustrated by Jago

The Jesus Storybook Bible is a great option to help your children become familiar with the Bible and understand it as a unified story around the promise and work of Jesus. 

The subtitle of this children's Bible is: Every Story Whispers His Name.

From the creation of the world, to the sinful fall of humans, to the flood, to the life through resurrection of Jesus, to John's dreams recorded in Revelation, the entire Bible is about the work of Jesus in human history. 

When you read The Jesus Storybook Bible to your children you empower them to see Jesus as the central figure in the Bible and human history. 

I have read this to my children and it has helped us set a foundation for our children to understand the God has had a plan from the beginning and trust God even when life feels out of control.  

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