Theology for Kids

book review books children's book the ology theology theology for kids Mar 22, 2023
The Ology Book Cover

The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New by Marty Machowski and Illustrated by Andy McGuire is a great way to introduce your children to deep theological ideas in simple terms.  

My children enjoyed going through this book as a part of family devotions.   

In the beginning of The Ology, there is a Parental Guide on how to age appropriately help your children get the most out of this book.  

This book is broken into sections of themes like The Ology of God, The Ology of people, The Ology of sin, and many more.  

Each of those themes is broken into chapters of particular biblical truths. For example, the in the The Ology of God section, the first chapter is: God Always Was and Always Will Be. 

Chapters usually contain two to four pages of child friendly concepts about the topic along with several scripture passages that support the teaching of the chapter. 

Knowing What You Are Getting 

Unlike most Children's Christian Books, the illustrations do not contain any depictions of Jesus which makes this a great option for those who hold to a stricter understanding of the second commandment.  

The Ology is also written from a Reformed perspective, so in the tension of God's will and man's choice, this book has a greater focus on God's will. 

Blessing your Family 

The Ology is a book that has been a blessing to my family and me and I hope and pray that it will spark conversations with you, your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and church kiddos. 

Shifting the Legacy 

In my more than a decade of pastoral ministry, I have been repeatedly surprised at how biblically and theologically illiterate many who have been raised in the church remain.  

I believe this book will help us to raise a generation of youngsters in the church who are not guessing about their theology based on perception and half-truths but are rooted in Scripture and our historic faith.  

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The Ology has been a blessing to my family, and I expect it will be a blessing to yours. 

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